TuxGuitar Help

Version 1.6.3

View and layout

With the View pulldown menu and the related toolbar icons you can customize the appearance of TuxGuitar's main window and open different dialogs.

You can change the current view also during playback.

Enable and disable toolbars and track table

The first three entries in the View menu let you show and hide the main elements of the TuxGuitar window:

Open and close more dialogs

Other external dialogs are:


There are several layout types in TuxGuitar. You can switch between them with the Layout icons on the edit toolbar or in the View pulldown menu. They all change the view of tablature and scores in the main editor window.

The first button in the list is Page Layout. Its alternative is the second button: Linear Layout. Page layout displays the tablature and scores like on the paper sheets, with line breaks. On the other side, linear view views the instrument in a single line, expanding to the right.

The third button enables Multitrack view. When enabled, all the tracks will be displayed in the main window. Depending on your previous choice (Page or Linear Layout) you will see a different view. In my personal experience, good combinations are Linear+Multitrack, and Page Layout without Multitrack (for single instrument view).

The fourth button is Show Scores. It simply views the scores (notation) above your tab line.

Show Tablature enables or disables the tablature line in the main view.

The last button enables the Compact view. You would like to enable it when you consider your view too wide. Note that in this mode some details may be hidden (e.g. Bend effect details).

In the submenu View → Chord Style you can choose how chords are displayed in the main tab view.


The last section in the View pulldown menu controls how big or small the scores and tablatures are shown: Zoom in to enlarge, Zoom out to shrink or Reset the zoom to turn back to the default size.

As in many other programs, you can also zoom in and out by using the mouse wheel and pressing the Ctrl key at the same time.